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Alex Onea

Big News: Apple Stops Making Electric Cars! What's Next?

In a surprising move, Apple stops making electric cars, according to reports from various sources. The project, which started back in 2014 and was kept pretty secret, is now slowing down its work. The Apple car project was expected, according to the latest rumors, to appear in 2028, but now we can forget about the company's electric car.

This decision shows a big change in Apple's plans for cars, which they've been keeping secret for a long time. Apple's CEO Tim Cook had suggested before that they were interested in self-driving cars, but he never gave away much about how far they'd got.

Unfortunately, this news raises serious questions and makes us realize that Apple is essentially throwing money down the drain. After 10 years of work on the Apple Car project and $10 billion invested, Apple stops making electric cars.

Why is Apple giving up on its own electric car?

Well, we'll try to explain this decision in the following. In any case, we're not surprised that Apple stops making electric cars because we've seen this trend disappear from other companies like Google as well. Why did they fail? Well, because Apple had the impression that it would reinvent the electric car. Unfortunately, they moved rather slowly considering the size of the company, or rather the corporation.

Experts have praised the decision, saying it's smart. They're recognizing that Tesla is already a big player in the electric car market. Tesla's CEO Elon Musk even reacted to the news on social media with some emojis.

What happens to the employees who worked on the Apple Car project?

Well, fortunately, they are not being laid off, but they are being offered a new opportunity. The 2000 people who worked on this secret project called Titan will switch to working on artificial intelligence instead. The reason is clear, Apple has decided to focus on other projects that are more profitable and will appear sooner.

Apple hasn't officially said anything about stopping the project yet. But this move makes us wonder what's next for self-driving cars and what Apple's role will be. All this information can be confirmed in an article that appeared first on Bloomberg's page.

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